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Geology 101

GeoINTRO Workshops
"Awaken people's curiosity. It is enough to open minds, do not overload them. Put there just a spark."
Anatole France
Our popular GeoINTRO workshops are designed to meet the needs of those just starting out in geology, the Earth and planetary sciences. No previous knowledge or skills are needed to take part in any of these workshops, quite simply we work from the beginning.
The learning process for all GeoINTRO workshops follows our 3D approach: Discover, Describe and Discuss.
GeoINTRO workshops are held in the Museum of Natural History.
Workers' Education Association (WEA), U3A and WI members may participate at the same rate as Oxford Geology Group members.
October 5 2019: Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks
Any questions? Email the Programme Secretary

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